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The Child Premier Berlin, Germany
Updated about November 29, 2014
Actor Christian Traeumer at the premiere of Das Kind (The Child).
  • actor Christian Traeumer 23 3
    October 18, 2012
    772 views, 23 likes
  • cool poster on the streets of Berlin 24 3
    October 18, 2012
    1,563 views, 24 likes
  • yvonne maria schaefer and christian traeumer 23 2
    October 18, 2012
    770 views, 23 likes
  • Red Carpet event for the release of the child 18 0
    October 18, 2012
    719 views, 18 likes
  • Cast of The Child 1 0
    October 18, 2012
    629 views, 1 like
  • walking the red carpet Berlin Germany "the child" 11 0
    October 18, 2012
    599 views, 11 likes
  • signing autographs at the party after the show 11 0
    October 18, 2012
    576 views, 11 likes
  • Leonard Proxauf and Christian Traeumer with their agent Uwe Haase 22 2
    October 18, 2012
    639 views, 22 likes
  • advertising for the movie "the child' my face all over Germany 0 0
    October 28, 2012
    614 views, 0 likes
  • Deiter Hallervorden and Christian Traeumer at the premier 3 0
    October 28, 2012
    592 views, 3 likes
  • 2 0
    October 28, 2012
    540 views, 2 likes
  • 2 0
    October 28, 2012
    573 views, 2 likes
  • 10 0
    October 28, 2012
    616 views, 10 likes
  • 4 0
    October 28, 2012
    570 views, 4 likes
  • Christian Traeumer and the author Of The Child Sebastian Fitzek 13 0
    October 28, 2012
    589 views, 13 likes
  • Posing for the Paparrazi 8 0
    October 28, 2012
    528 views, 8 likes

  • Broderick
    Broderick   ·  January 7, 2016
    What does this mean
  • BizKid
    BizKid   ·  November 10, 2012
  • ChristianTraeumer
    ChristianTraeumer   ·  October 28, 2012
    actually shakira i loved dressing up for this..i never realized how good i look in a suit)
  • Shakira S
    Shakira S   ·  October 25, 2012
    Very nice pics, you look awesome dressd up..I bet you dont like dressing up like that? lol boys hate that.

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