This teens take on GTA 5

  • It is a shame there have to be video games like GTA 5, while the game developers claim the game is aimed at adults they very well know that many kids will get this game into their hands.

    I have heard stories of kids as young as 11 years old being bought this game by their parents, what kind of irresponsible parent would place such a game in the hand of a child? It is bad enough the endless hours they spend playing violent war type games but then we get a GTA with the sex and drugs thrown in with the violence.

    In my own experience and I am a teen I saw in the mall a parent buying the game for a kid that looked no more than 11 years old and you could see his excitement of wanting to get home as fast as possible and get it in to his video game console.

    Look as a teen I freely admit to playing the war theme games but I can freely place a barrier between reality and fantasy but I have known many other games kids who are unable to and for this I say the gaming industry is very irresponsible with games such as GTA 5, but then again the real burden should be on parents who provide access to games like this.

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