Teen Movie & TV Club » Discussions

Forbidden Planet

  • JeffJones
    October 4, 2013


    Forbidden Planet is one of the best sci-fi movies ever made and it came from the golden age of sci-fi movies. I absolutely love this movie, it has great visuals and I recently purchased a Blu-ray with just stunning quality great colors and look great on the HD wide screen. I had the opportunity to see it at a cinema when I was 14 and I was blown away.

    If you love sci-fi movies see this classic film.

  • Film_Fan
    October 6, 2013
    I agree it is a gorgeous film to look at awesome colors it sent the ground work that many other TV and Cci_Fi films later took many things from.
    I think Star Trek learned much from Forbidden Planet, I also own the blu-ray and the quality is astunding for a movie of this age.
  • $NavyBoy$
    October 12, 2013
    It is a classic as mentioned and I hope everyone enjoyed the screening, please watch more free streaming films to come in this club.
  • October 23, 2013
    This is one of my fav also, a timeless classic and the bluray is superb quality.
  • Jeff_Wincott
    January 19, 2014
    Jeff I agree the bluray is superb, the quality is not macted for such an old fim....just amazing colors.
    Great old film a classic if there ever was one.
  • $NavyBoy$
    January 24, 2014
    The bluray quality of this great classic as said is indeed brilliant it is almost jaw dropping for such and old film but it was made in glorious technicolor.