Teen Movie & TV Club » Discussions

Vertical Limit

  • Reebok Kid
    August 24, 2019

    Has anyone in this club or on the site seen the movie Vertical Limit? it is an old movie, well not that old like 2000 it came out way before I was born. We watched it tonight on Blu_ray my family and I was pumped, what an awesome action movie with mountain climbing. If you have not seen this movie I think you should watch the Blu_ray or DVD it makes me want to be a mountain climber.

  • Francisco
    August 29, 2019
    I have seen it a few times, awesome action and mountain climbing adventure, I love anything with mountain climbing like the Sylvester Stallone movie "Cliffhanger" which is better than Vertical Limit by the way.
  • Darth Maul
    August 30, 2019
    It might be action-packed but it is the most unrealistic mountain climbing movie ever made.

    Who will climb a mountain with Nitro that is so unstable?????
    The guy at altitude where you can hardly take a step runs and jump and mange to get his pick into solid ice. LMAO.

    There is much more completely ridiculous crap in this movie.
  • BrandonB
    September 1, 2019

    Vertical Limit rocked but my dad who rock climbs outdoors said it had a lot of stupidity that any pro climber would laugh at.