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Percy Hynes White

Percy Hynes White » Videos » The Gifted with Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White

The Gifted with Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White

Posted by T.O Girl
At New York Comic Con Natalie Alyn Lind and Percy Hynes White got a chance to discuss their characters and experience for The Gifted on Fox.
Posted October 6, 2018 - 5 comments - 1,729 views - 8 likes -   #Comiccon  #Percy Hynes White  #The Gifted 
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  • Keesha
    Keesha   ·  October 25, 2018
    PHW rocks.
  • Shawn
    Shawn   ·  October 15, 2018
    The guy is very hungry.
  • 1D_Gurl
    1D_Gurl   ·  October 14, 2018
    He is so cute, you guys are so mean. lol
  • RonnyG
    RonnyG   ·  October 13, 2018
    Damn he scarfing down that like a Lion. lol

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