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Brighton Sharbino - General Photos
By Admin
Updated about January 4, 2018
  • Brighton Sharbino 78 24
    November 7, 2013
    5,047 views, 78 likes
  • Brighton Sharbino 72 2
    November 7, 2013
    1,433 views, 72 likes
  • Brighton Sharbino 74 8
    November 7, 2013
    3,179 views, 74 likes

5 Comments   |   Jon_Brit and 1 other react this.
  • Claire97
    Claire97   ·  January 8, 2014
    I hate her, well no I mean I hate the girl she plays on The Walking Dead..Lizzie..she is freaky.
  • 2cool4school
    2cool4school   ·  December 16, 2013
    She is pretty.
  • Adrien
    Adrien   ·  December 3, 2013
    Very pretty.
  • CB4EVA
    CB4EVA   ·  November 28, 2013
    She is pretty but so weird as Lizzie on TWD.

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