Forums » Nathan Gamble

Barlowe Mann - Nathan Gamble

  • Klattuu
    • 152 posts
    July 26, 2012 8:27 PM EDT

    Nathan Gambles new flick is in post production still hoping for a release later this year, Nathan is the lead in this.


      Here is the synopsis


    Barlowe Mann introduces troubled pre-teen, Oliver Henry (Nathan Gamble), whose belief system has been shattered by a family tragedy.  Torn between religion and science, he seeks solace from Barlowe Mann (Lloyd Warner), a strangely dressed loner who reads fanciful stories to elementary school students in an abandoned small town hockey rink.  The Sheriff (Watrson-Johnson) is suspicious of Barlowe, as are most of the parents, but Oliver believes in his spiritual powers and the positive effects his stories are having on a group of fellow students.      And a positive message is what Oliver needs, considering that his parents (Corbin Bernsen and Dendrie Taylor) have never resolved the unexplained disappearance and apparent death of their first son.  Trapped in a desperate household where his parents barely communicate, Oliver has to figure out a way to move forward.   Barlowe Mann has those answers.