Teen Movie & TV Club » Discussions

The Boy Behind the Door

  • November 6, 2021
    Earlier I had promised to come back and give this a bit more insight besides what I said earlier to avoid it and you have summoned it up quite well, the film is cheap and a mess, with an extremely poor script, a first-year film class could do a better job.

    [blockquote]Jeff_Wincott said/b]

    The Boy Behind the Door is cheap cliche-ridden garbage that will be liked only by the unsophisticated moviegoers to which there are plenty.

    The worst thing about this mess is the script, who wrote this a schizophrenic locked down in a padded ward? and oh they choose to prominently display a MAGA sticker on the creep's car obviously to say see how bad these people are they support Trump?? I mean wtf which genius in producing this movie sat around and decided that would be a great idea? no wonder this country is so divided. With losers in Hollywood making such decisions they help drive the wedge.

    Back to their woeful mess of a movie, they steal every cliche from other horror movies the most obvious the axe to the bathroom door and the face peering through the hole in the door. The demented person sauntering down a hall and a low shot of the axe held low, I could go on and on.

    People say the kids are stupid but these young actors are only acting on the inane script given to them, these boys are also the only good thing about the movie they both did a very good job of acting.

    Avoid this mess at all costs unless you don't have to pay for it.

  • RileyJ
    November 19, 2021
    It is kinda interesting but nothing seems to happen that makes sense, the boys make stupid decisions., but I guess if they were smart and did the right things the movie would be 10 minutes long. lol
  • Andrew
    December 4, 2021

    The Boy Behind the Door is stupid that is my review.

  • Eldon
    December 8, 2021
    I saw this, could have been good and it was still interesting but too stupid the screenplay sucks, the kids did stupid things.
  • Klattuu
    January 6, 2022
    It is filmed nicely has a nice look to it other than that the boys did a good job of acting the rest of the movie is dumb as ****
  • JPG101
    January 13, 2022
    I have never heard of this stupid movie that everyone here seems to hate, and what is the boy doing behind the door, ******* off?
  • Sarah05
    January 13, 2022

    UGH! You disgust me don't think peeps don't know what you said, you should get a ban I am going to report this.


    [blockquote]JPG101 said/b] I have never heard of this stupid movie that everyone here seems to hate, and what is the boy doing behind the door, ******* off? [/blockquote]

  • JPG101
    January 13, 2022

    Oh, ban for what go report it to miss goody I could have said what is he doing behind the door, goofing off you must have a dirty mind.


    [blockquote]Sarah05 said/b]

    UGH! You disgust me don't think peeps don't know what you said, you should get a ban I am going to report this.


    [blockquote]JPG101 said/b] I have never heard of this stupid movie that everyone here seems to hate, and what is the boy doing behind the door, ******* off? [/blockquote]


  • Jack_Flash
    January 14, 2022

    LOL, hahahahah well the movie makes no sense anyways it could have been good but they do such dumb things.


    [blockquote]JPG101 said/b] I have never heard of this stupid movie that everyone here seems to hate, and what is the boy doing behind the door, ******* off? [/blockquote]

  • Lukas
    January 21, 2022
    Sorry but The Boy Behind the Door is dumb, it could have been good but they do such stupid things it makes the movie stupid.