
Stranger Things’ Finn Wolfhard proves indie cred by talking up PUP at Polaris Prize gala

Turns out Mike Wheeler was actually in the band's music video


    It’s already become clear that Finn Wolfhard of Stranger Things is a savvy music connoisseur. The 13-year-old previously showed his knowledge of the classics with a cover of Nirvana’s “Lithium”, but he’s just as keen on the modern scene. So much so that the folks behind the Polaris Music Prize asked him to talk up nominees PUP ahead of the awards gala.

    In a recorded segment you can watch above, the child actor discussed his feelings on the band’s Polaris-nominated sophomore album, The Dream Is Over“First off, they are so, I guess, committed to them being Canadian,” he said. “A lot of the songs are about Canada; if you don’t like Canada, then I don’t know.” He also praised the record’s “group effort” and gang vocals, specifically citing “The Coast” and “Pine Point” as some of his favorite tracks.

    But his all-time favorite PUP track is probably “Guilt Trip” from their self-titled debut. Why? Because he was in the freakin’ music video. Turns out Wolfhard played a young, violent version of frontman Stefan Babcock in the clip, which came out back in 2014. Which pretty much means this kid was on to one of the hottest punk bands around before you were. Hey, Wolfhard, if you’re interested, Consequence of Sound is always looking for contributors.


    The segments ends with Wolfhard and the band playing a game of Dungeons & Polaris Prize Nominees in which Grimes and Carly Jay Jepsen are cast as the Demogorgon.

    PUP unfortunately did not walk away with the award, as it ended up going to producer Kaytranada for 99.9%.
