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Natasha Calis » Videos » The Harvest - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight

The Harvest - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight

Posted by Adrien
Starring: Michael Shannon, Samantha Morton, Natasha Calis, Peter Fonda and Charlie Tahan.

In his first film in nearly 15 years, the director of Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer harks back to the depravity that made his 1986 debut a horror milestone. But less based in reality, The Harvest is closer to a fairy tale from Grimm’s darkest corners. Maryann (an impressive Natasha Calis) moves in with her grandparents after she’s orphaned. Desperately lonely, the preteen sets out to befriend a neighboring deathly ill, bed-ridden boy (Charlie Tahan), despite the outright disapproval of his mother (Samantha Morton). Maryann’s persistence pays off, however, and during a series of secret visits she gradually uncovers some seriously sinister goings-on in the house... Morton as the boy’s overprotective surgeon mom is the stuff of great screen villainy—at once utterly monstrous and tragically desperate—so much so that she makes even frequent heavy Michael Shannon, as the more subdued dad, pale in comparison.

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Posted September 7, 2015 - 2 comments - 1,693 views - 2 likes - #Natasha Calis  #The Harvest - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight 
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  • NJ_Kid
    NJ_Kid   ·  October 5, 2015
    This movie is pretty cool.
  • Sofine
    Sofine   ·  September 13, 2015
    I liked this movie.

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